Crime Statistics

In late August of 2022, the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office implemented a new Community Crime Map website. It took the place of the JPSO Crime Tracker website, which had ceased to function at the beginning of January 2021.

The replacement had a number of limitations which made it challenging to publish statistics like those below for Terrytown. Later in 2022 the replacement was removed. Currently, the only JPSO Crime Statistics available are for the parish as a whole.

I find it very disappointing that the current JPSO leadership does not provide the public with the same type of neighborhood crime statistics that was available from the previous leadership.

The following charts show crime trends in Terrytown over the 3 years, January 2018 through December 2020. They are based on statistics from the original JPSO Crime Tracker website. The table at the end shows the specific values for each category for the last 3 months of that period.
Click here for the corresponding charts based on statistics for the 4 years starting January 2017.
Click here for the Homicide statistics for the same 4 years.

Arson, Assault, Auto Theft, Battery, Burglary, Business Burglary, Car Jacking, Drug Law Violations, Homicide, Illegal Discharge of Weapon, Kidnapping, Rape, Residence Burglary, Robbery

For December, Total Crime was down, as was Serious Crime. On the other hand, Disturbing the Peace and Theft were up, though not quite to the October level.

Oct 20Nov 20Dec 20
Auto Theft3107
Burglar Alarms163145131
Business Burglary412
Criminal Damage22159
Disturbing the Peace594657
Drug Law Violations964
Harassing Phone Calls
Ill. Dschg. of Weapon1386
Peeping Tom
Residence Burglary475
Suspicions Persons524842
Vehicle Accidents767277
Vehicle Burglary112113
– Total503443421
– Total Less Accidents427371344
Serious Crimes636749