Latest Crime Statistics

The Terrytown crime statistics below are based on the data found on the LexisNexis Community Crime Map website. This appears to be the same data source that was briefly available on the JPSO website in early 2023 as a replacement for the original JPSO Crime Tracker. That original tool ceased functioning at the end of 2020 because it used obsolete technology.

The precise numbers in the new source are lower than those from the former JPSO Crime Tracker website – see below for more details. But in my opinion the data does provide a reasonable indication of the overall crime trend in Terrytown.

As can be seen in the first chart below, the monthly crime statics are highly variable. As a result, at times residents are correct in concluding that crime has increased in Terrytown, at least in the short term. And when that happens, the concern is fully justified. At the same time, it is important to look at the trend over a longer period before making personal decisions for the long term.

Crime numbers for the past 3 months

The following table is included to provide a perspective on the relative magnitude of the various types of crimes and the variability of the numbers from month to month. As indicated above and as described further in a link below, the accuracy of the specific numbers in the table is open to question. Note that the items bold are the ones counted as Serious Crime in the charts above.

Jun 24Jul 24Aug 24
Alcohol Violation1
All Other – Criminal351
Assault – Aggravated543
Assault – Simple161117
Attempted Homicide
Burglary – Commercial
Burglary – Residential8810
Burglary from Motor Vehicle
Death Investigation211
Disorderly Conduct1047
Drugs / Narcotics Violation531
Family Offense
Field Interview
Fraud / Forgery112
Harassment / Intimidation11
Homicide / Manslaughter
Kidnapping / Human Trafficking
Missing Person / Runaway232
Motor Vehicle Theft754
Robbery – Commercial
Robbery – Individual242
Sexual Assault11
Sexual Offense211
Theft – Other
Weapons Violation22
– All Crime908582
Serious Crime443740

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