Crime Statistics Comparison

The statistics used for the charts below come from the newly identified Lexis/Nexis website. They sshow lower numbers than those from the old JPSO Crime Tracker. This may be due to a number of factors – issues with the Crime Tracker data, issues with the new data, and the manual process used to calculate the new statistics for Terrytown.

There also may be differences in how the data is characterized since I don’t know the specific criteria for each category. That would be significant if comparing individual categories. But it is less of a concern for the larger groups of Serious Crime and All Crime.

But, as indicated in the chart below, the old and new data give sufficiently similar trend indications that I feel the new data is useful for that purpose. And I believe trend data is more important than specific numbers. Note that the new data for All Crime shows a more conservative (i.e. less optimistic) estimate of the rate of decrease.

The following tables list what I have assumed to be the corresponding respective categories for the old Crime Tracker data and the new Lexis/Nexis data.

This first table lists the categories that are included in both the Serious and All Crime counts.

JPSO Crime TrackerLexis/Nexis
AssaultAssault – Aggravated
Auto TheftMotor Vehicle Theft
BatteryAssault – Simple
Business BurglaryBurglary – Commercial
Drug Law ViolationsDrugs / Narcotics Violation
HomicideHomicide / Manslaughter
Attempted Homicide
Ill. Dschg. of WeaponWeapons Violation
KidnappingKidnapping / Human Trafficking
RapeSexual Assault
Residence BurglaryBurglary – Residential
RobberyRobbery – Individual
Robbery – Commercial
Vehicle BurglaryBurglary from Motor Vehicle

This table lists the additional categories that are included in the All Crime counts.

JPSO Crime TrackerLexis/Nexis
Criminal DamageVandalism
Disturbing the PeaceDisorderly Conduct
ForgeryFraud / Forgery
Harassing Phone CallsHarassment / Intimidation
Peeping Tom
Sexual Offense
Suspicious PersonsField Interview
Theft – Other
Alcohol Violation
All Other – Criminal
Death Investigation
Family Offense
Missing Person / Runaway

This last table lists the categories that are excluded from the crimes counts.

JPSO Crime TrackerLexis/Nexis
Burglar Alarms
Vehicle AccidentsTraffic Incident
Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
All Other – Non-Criminal
Citation / Summons
Civil / Court Violation